Hero Spotlight

Check out these real members and how they are using their superpowers. Rob reviews their page points out the PowerUps being used and sometimes offers advice on ways to make them even more powerful

This Hero is a Short and Sweet Winner

  • Love how he is using colors to make the sidebar "pop" and also the "what you will learn" section
  • The course card image is spot on in communicating what the course is about
  • The video is awesome in that I am drawn into seeing exactly how he will be teaching me to learn how to play the piano. And this is much better than having to sign up for a "free lesson"
  • I can't find much more to recommend to change for this page besides maybe moving the sticky position down a bit with the setting we have for this

Fellow Thinkific Expert Using His Superpowers

  • Ian Richardson, a fellow Thinkific Expert uses our PowerUps to not only to improve his site, but his clients as well
  • I really like how he is using a link in the CTA section to also try and attract group sales (he could also use the secondary CTA for this
  • Nice use of clean colors and "just enough information" on the page. Nice job on bolding the What You'll Learn bullet lists


Wow, tons of SuperPowers being used here

  • Snap Course Page Template as the main attraction 
  • Like use of colors on the what you will learn section to make it stand out
  • Also using Meganav and Sections Kit for other page sections including pricing for optional membership
SNAP , Sections Kit , Promo Kit , MegaNav

Great example of lead magnet using SNAP

  • Sticky sidebar keeping key information on the side without having to scroll
  • Great example of how to generate leads with a free course
  • Love that they are using a popup video - video helps conversions for sure!!
  • Using optional SNAP FAQ section to even further help with conversions

Great use of video

  • Great use of SNAP Course Page (02) with that large video front and center
  • Clean colors and love the sidebar list and quick attributes

Non English Site Using SNAP

  • Love the use of colors in the site to make the sidebar pop
  • Daniel is also using the Sale feature which will certainly help with conversions
  • Also love that Daniel choose to use a video on this page. Video helps with conversions
  • I would also add a SNAP FAQ section as well to put this page over the top!!
SNAP , MegaNav

Using Quick Course Attributes To Generate Leads With A Free Course

  • Love the use of the sidebar here to quickly show the key "reasons to enroll"
  • Just enough information on this SNAP Course Page Template to increase enrollments - certain sections not needed were easily disabled
  • Also using other Thinkific sections and embedded trust pilot 
SNAP , MegaNav , Thinkific Sections